Kom i gang med Go Dogo!



Go Dogo styres via Go Dogo appen. Dette afsnit gennemgår hvordan du opretter brugerkonto og din hunds profil.
Hvis du allerede har oprettet begge dele, så spring videre til afsnit 2 (Opsætning af Go Dogo systemet).
1.1. Opret en Go Dogo-brugerkonto
Åbn App Store på din iPhone eller iPad, find og download Go Dogo appen. Sådan opretter du din Go Dogo brugerkonto:
• Åbn Go Dogo appen og tryk på Sign up
• Indtast din e-mailadresse og vælg et kodeord
• Check din e-mail indbakke (og spam-mappe) for en verifikations-e-mail
• Tryk på verifikations-linket i e-mailen
• Log in i appen ved at trykke på Login knappen
• Valgfrit: Slå biometrisk autentificering til for hurtigere login i fremtiden.
Hvis du har problemer med at logge ind, vil du kunne finde hjælp ved at trykke på Troubleshooting under Sign Up knappen.

1.2. Opret en profil for din hund
Når du er logget ind i Go Dogo appen bliver du bedt om at oprette en profil til din hund. Her vil du kunne registrere din hund’s navn, køn, vægt, personlighedstræk osv. Du kan altid ændre eller tilføje flere oplysninger i profilen senere.
Hvis du vil oprette flere profiler til andre hunde, så kan dette gøres ved at klikke på din første hund’s navn i toppen af skærmen. Klik derefter på  knappen i øverste højre hjørne.

1.3. Data indsamling
Vi ville værdsætte din hjælp til at forbedre Go Dogo algoritmerne, og derfor håber vi, at du vil tillade os at indsamle træningsdata. Denne data vil udelukkende blive brugt til at forbedre Go Dogo oplevelsen.

Du kan aktivere eller deaktivere data indsamling i afsnittet Indstillinger.


2.1. Tilslut Go Dogo til dit TV
I bunden af Go Dogo hovedenheden er der 2 input-porte og en tænd/sluk knap. Tænd/sluk knappen kan bruges til at tænde, slukke og resette systemet. Mini-HDMI porten bruges til at tilslutte hovedenheden til dit TV. Type-C porten er til strømforsyningen.
• Sæt HDMI kablet ind i en tilgængelig port i dit tv og i Go Dogo hovedenheden.
• Tilslut Go Dogo strømforsyningen til en stikkontakt og til Go Dogo hovedenheden.
• Hvis det ikke sker automatisk, så find den korrekte source-input kanal på dit TV ved at trykke på Source knappen på din fjernbetjening.
Go Dogo WiFi Setup billedet vil nu vise sig på din TV skærm.
2.2. Følg instruktionerne på tv-skærmen
Følg instruktionerne på tv-skærmen nøje.
Go Dogo er smart, men selv de smarteste enheder skal opfylde visse betingelser for at fungere korrekt. Sørg derfor for, at kameraerne er placeret korrekt og i fokus, og at du har god belysning i rummet.


Lige en ting mere!
Lad os guide dig gennem de forskellige niveauer.


Tålmodighed + godbidder = succes

Det er svært at lære nyt, og et vigtigt trin til success er den rette motivation. For at lære at spille Go Dogo er det derfor vigtigt, at din hund godt kan lide at arbejde for godbidder. Og selvom din hund er glad for godbidder, vil det tage både tid og tålmodighed. Læring kan og må gerne være en smule frustrerende. Det er bevis på, at din hund er motiveret.
For at sikre, at din hund forbinder Go Dogo med noget sjovt og interessant, vil de første 3 niveauer frigive en masse godbidder. Det er vigtigt, at du ikke springer disse trin over, og at du bliver i nærheden for at fylde godbidderne op igen. 
Fra niveau 4 og opefter kan din hund endda spille, mens den er alene hjemme. En godbid pr. spil burde være nok.


LEVEL 1: Dogo!
$48 $24

Your dog learns to associate the word "Dogo" with treats

Each time the trainer says “Dogo”, a treat will fall out of the Go Dogo system. It does not matter if your dog is in the playzone or not. The goal is to get your dog to become attentive as soon as they hear “Dogo”. 

The game continues until Go Dogo runs out of treats. Take your time with this level and only move on to level 2, if you can see that your dog reacts to the “Dogo” signal.

LEVEL 2: Playzone
$96 $48

Your dog learns to associate the playzone* with treats

In level 2, we want to make sure that your dog understands that going forward, being in the playzone is essential to getting treats. Now, the trainer will call “Dogo!” and a treat will be released as soon as your dog steps into the playzone. If your dog does not enter the playzone, the “Dogo!” signal will be repeated. 

*playzone = the area covered by the two cameras.
LEVEL 3: Focus
$192 $86

Your dog learns to look at the Go Dogo or the TV screen to receive a treat

In level 3, your dog will learn to look at the Go Dogo system to get a treat. The trainer will give the signal “Dogo!” and the Go Dogo system will recognise your dog’s face when they look up at the camera. As soon as your dog does that, a treat will be released. 

After five seconds , the signal “Dogo!” will be given again and your dog has the chance to earn another treat.
LEVEL 4: Sit
$192 $86

Your dog learns to sit to receive a treat

In level 4, the dog trainer will give the “Dogo!” signal and, once the dog looks up, she will give the cue “Sit”. 

When the system recognises your dog doing a “Sit”, a treat is released. After five seconds (in which your dog can eat the treat), the signals “Dogo!” and “Sit” will be given again and your dog has a chance to earn another treat. 

LEVEL 5: Down
$192 $86

Your dog learns to lie down to receive a treat

In level 5, the dog trainer will give the “Dogo!” command and, once your dog looks up, will give the signal “Down”. When the system recognises your dog doing a “Down”, a treat is released. After five seconds, the signals “Dogo!” and “Down” will be given again and your dog has a chance to earn another treat.

To make sure that your dog changes positions, we have included some random “Sit” cues in this level as well.
NOTE: Waiting is part of the game
$192 $86

Your dog might not know what “Down” means in the beginning, so until they do a down, Level 5 simply teaches them to wait - before releasing a treat along with the “Dogo!” signal. 

Here's the trick: The waiting time will increase up to 3 minutes, which is quite long, so perhaps lying down a bit during the wait will help - and woop! This immediately results in a “Good Boy/Girl!” and a treat.  It is also totally OK if you cheat and help your dog understand the command.
LEVEL 6: Stand
$192 $86

Your dog learns to stand to receive a treat

In level 6, the dog trainer will give the “Dogo!” command and, once your dog looks up, it will give either the signal “Sit” or the signal “Down”. 

When Go Dogo recognises your dog doing a “Sit” or “Down”, the trainer will give the “Stand” signal. 

When the system recognises your dog doing “Stand” or something that resembles a stand, a treat will be released. 
LEVEL 7: Down to Sit
$192 $86

Your dog learns to go from down to sit to receive a treat

In level 7, the dog trainer will give the “Dogo!” command and, once the dog looks up, will give the signal “Down”. 

When the system recognises your dog doing a “Down”, the trainer will give the “Sit” signal. 

When the system recognises your dog doing “Sit”, a treat is released.

LEVEL 8: Cycle
$192 $86

Your dog learns to follow two out of the learned signals, in a random order

In level 8, the dog trainer will give one of the previously learned signals at random. 

As soon as your dog takes the right position, another random signal will be given. 

A treat is released as soon as the system recognises the second correct posture. So, two random challenges for one treat.