Go Dogo blev grundlagt ud fra ønsket om at sikre vores hundes velbefindende. Med denne blog vil vi forsøge at hjælpe kæledyrsforældre med at få en bedre forståelse for deres hund og finde ud af, hvad dit pelsede familiemedlem har brug for for at forblive glad og sund. Her kan du finde gode ideer til kreative DIY-lege, lære at aflæse tegn på kedsomhed, få videnskabelige forklaringer på, hvorfor vores hunde gør vores liv bedre og meget mere, som forhåbentlig vil hjælpe dig til at forstå din hund bedre.

Have you ever found yourself jumping in fear at the sound of a sudden, loud noise? This is known as the startle reflex - a defense mechanism that helps protect us from potential threats in our environment. It's a common...
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The perception of family dogs has changed a lot in the last decades. While many dogs used to spend their days outside and went to sleep in a dog house in the garden, most dogs are nowadays seen as full...
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Charlotte Louise Friis from Life with a Dog has been with Go Dogo behind the curtains from the start. She's a dog ethologist and one of Go Dogo's trusted experts and advisors. From basic training tips and enrichment, to the...
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Many dog parents know that mental stimulation is important for their dog’s well-being. Consequently, they are looking for toys that can help them to fulfil their dog’s mental stimulation needs. There are many great options on the market, so here...
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If you live in the northern hemisphere, winter is here. And with it, dark, long and cold days. If you are so lucky to live in a region with lots of snow, you and your dog might enjoy a winter...
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